Scientific name:Amphiprion ocellaris
The Aussie Gold Coral is a great beginner coral and will sway back and forth to the currents in the aquarium. Aussie Gold Torch Corals are a favorite of many because of the sense of motion they bring to a reef tank.(简介)
品种隶属于: They do have sweeper tentacles that can extend 2″- 4″ at night and sting nearby corals. Aussie Gold Torch Corals may be placed next to other Euphyllia species such as Frogspawn Coral and Hammer Coral as they do not sting other Euphyllia Corals.
产地: Mount the Aussie Gold Torch Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the lower two- thirds of the aquarium where they will receive moderate currents and low to moderate lighting. Leave 2-3″ around this coral as it has tentacles that can sting nearby corals at night.
可提供尺寸: Although symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae hosted within them supply some of their nutritional requirements through photosynthesis they do benefit from supplemental feedings of Oyster-Feast, Roti-Feast, and mysis shrimp.
价格:The Aussie Gold Torch Coral requires moderate water flow and moderate lighting (PAR 150-250). T5’s, Metal Halides, or LED’s can all grow Torch Corals when the proper PAR levels are provided. We recommend a 14-20K color spectrum for best coloration.
放置: Easy
喂食: Moderate (PAR 150-250)
光照: Moderate
难易程度: Aggressive
水流: Australia
攻击性: Euphylliidae
水质: 75-80° F; sg 1.024-1.026 (1.025 is ideal); pH 8.1-8.4 Ca 420-440 ppm, Alk 8-9.5 dKH, Mg 1260-1350, Nitrates <10ppm, Phosphates, < .10ppm
药物: t is important that proper calcium (420-440 ppm), alkalinity (8-9.5 dkh – run it 7-8 if you are carbon dosing) , and magnesium levels (1260-1350 ppm) are maintained. Raising magnesium levels gradually up to 1400-1600 ppm can help to combat algae outbreaks, just keep CA and Alk in line as you raise the Mg. Nitrates should be below 10 ppm and phosphates should be below .10 ppm. We recommend doing a water change when Nitrate levels rise to 10 ppm. It is important to replace your phosphate media when phosphates rise to .10 ppm. Media Reactors make the most efficient use of your phosphate media by fluidizing it.
Lanhai Marine 是少数具有恒定脉动运动的珊瑚之一。这使它们成为珊瑚缸中最引人注目的珊瑚之一。它们脉动行为的目的尚不清楚,但普遍的看法是珊瑚脉动是为了增加群落周围的水流并最大化光合作用的表面积。Xenia 也是生长最快的软珊瑚之一,一方面使其成为初学者的绝佳珊瑚,但另一方面也带来了快速感染的可能性。尽管它们的生长速度存在问题,但它们仍然是爱好珊瑚礁水族馆中最受欢迎的珊瑚之一。请参阅下文有关 Xenia 的其他护理技巧,并查看我们 建立珊瑚礁的5 大技巧。